
While coaching someone the person mentioned that he does not have time to complete his daily tasks and he was struggling with time management. Probing revealed that he was not delegating enough. Further probing revealed the following concerns:

  • He is nervous about letting go.
  • He thinks he can do it better.
  • He is worried delegating will take longer than just doing the work.

 Now all the above are genuine concerns! But there are compelling reasons for delegation.

Why is it better to delegate?

  • While initially a person takes more time than the manager to complete the tasks with proper guidance and practise, he soon becomes as efficient as the manager. In no time organisation capacity increases manifold
  • The new confidence and competence increase overall organisation efficiency
  • Helps team members to grow – increases motivation and engagement.
  • Lesser workload for the manager to concentrate on strategic work or have better work life balance. Prevents burn out. Thus, it is letting go certain tasks but getting higher level tasks or strategic work
  • Chances of higher innovation as we now have multiple perspectives.


Now what can be delegated:

We can apply any of the following rules.

  1. 20% work creates 80% impact. The balance 80% work which has 20% impact are perfect for delegation.
  2. If your work quality is 100% any person who can do it at 70% level can be guided and is ready for delegation
  3. Create a stack of value addition of all tasks and delegate starting at the bottom of the stack.


  1. Selection of whom to Delegate – assess competency, current workload, trust level and goal alignment.
  2. Train the person to successfully do the task.
  3. Communicate clearly expectations – setting clear boundaries of authority and responsibility.
  4. Provide resources and support.
  5. Monitor work done at periodic intervals and provide feedback to course correct or improve.

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